pro sumer_search_DISPLAY_RESULT @sumer_search_block count= n_elements(files) select=replicate(0, count) if files(0) ne '' then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value= $ [ 'Total '+string(count, format='(i4)')+' files have been found.', $ 'Click on the list to select a file ', $ 'and double-click on it to cancel the selection.', ' ', $ ' Filename Xcen Ycen Det/Slit'$ +' Exp Wlmin Wlmax Obs_seq'] catalog = ' '+string(files, format='(a24)')+ $ ''+string(logs.xcen, format='(i5)')+ ''+$ string(logs.ycen,format='(i5)')+ $ ' '+logs.detector+'/'+$ logs.slit+' '+string(logs.exptime, format='(i4)')+$ ' '+ string(logs.wavemin, format='(i4)') $ +' ' + string(logs.wavemax, format='(i4)')+ $ ' '+ string(logs.obs_seq, format='(a6)')+ ' '+logs.study_nm endif else begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['',''] widget_control, text_id, set_value= $ 'No '+ $ ' files are selected.' endelse widget_control, list_id, set_value=catalog end ;+ ; ; ; NAME: ; SUMER_SEARCH_PD_EVENT ; PURPOSE: ; Responses to pull-down events in SUMER_SEARCH ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; SUMER_SEARCH_PD_EVENT, event ; INPUTS: ; EVENT = a structure variable for an event ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SUMER_SEARCH_BLOCK ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Change parameters defined in common blocks ; REQUIRED NON-STADNARD SUBROUTINES: ; XRASTER MK_SUMER_CAT LOCATE_DIR ; HEADFITS BREAK_PATH ; SLOG_RDLOG SLOG_GET_DAY SLOG_GET_TIME ; RESTRICTIONS : ; SUMER log files should exist in the specified directory ; MODIFICATION HISTORY ; March 1997 Jongchul Chae ; 2 April 1999, Chae ---- added the error display during FTP process ;- PRO sumer_search_pd_Event, Event @sumer_search_block CASE Event.Value OF 'Done': BEGIN done=1 widget_control,, /destroy END 'Config.Display/Change':begin sumer_config end 'Config.Default':begin sumer_config_def end 'Make Catalog' :begin ;widget_control, /hourglass ;catfile=pickfile(/write) ;mk_sumer_cat, sumer_dir+'/'+files, catfile end 'Refresh': Begin select=select*0 widget_control, text_id, set_value='' end 'Data.Show Primary Header':begin if file eq '' then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['', ''] widget_control, text_id, $ set_value = ['You have not selected any file.', $ 'First select a file from the list.'] return endif widget_control, /hourglass fullfile=sumer_file(file,status=exist) if exist then begin xdisplayfile, text=headfits(fullfile), $ title='Primary Header of '+file, return endif else widget_control, text_id, set_value=$ ['The file: '+file+ ' is not accessible.', $ 'Try the the option: Get Data'] end 'Data.Show Binary Header':begin if file eq '' then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['', ''] widget_control, text_id, $ set_value = ['You have not selected any file.', $ 'First select a file from the list.'] return endif widget_control, /hourglass fullfile=sumer_file(file,status=exist) if exist then xdisplayfile, text=headfits(fullfile, ext=1), $ title='Binary Header of '+file, $ else widget_control, text_id, set_value=$ ['The file: '+file+ ' is not accessible.', $ 'Try the the option: Get Data'] end 'Select All':begin select=select*0+1 widget_control, text_id, set_value= $ ['All the files in the list are selected.'] end 'De-select All': begin select=select*0 widget_control, text_id, set_value= $ ['No file in the list is selected.'] end 'Data.Get Data': begin widget_control, /hourglass ff= files(where(select eq 1, nf)) if nf lt 1 then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['', ''] widget_control, text_id, $ set_value = ['You have not selected any file.', $ 'First select a file from the list.'] return endif widget_control, /hourglass text=replicate('', nf+2) for k=0, nf-1 do begin fullfile=sumer_file(ff(k),status=exist, /copy, message=message) if exist eq 1 then begin break_file, fullfile, disk_log, dir, filnam, ext text(k+2)='The file: '+filnam+ext +' is now on ' +disk_log+dir endif else begin text(k+2)='The file: '+ff(k) +' is not accessible.' tmp=widget_message(message, /information) endelse widget_control, text_id, set_value=text endfor end 'Data.Look at Data' : begin ff= files(where(select eq 1, nf)) if nf lt 1 then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['', ''] widget_control, text_id, $ set_value = ['You have not selected any file.', $ 'First select a file from the list.'] return endif widget_control, /hourglass for k=0, nf-1 do begin fullfile=sumer_file(ff(k),status=exist) if not exist then begin widget_control, text_id, $ set_value = $ ['The file: '+ff(k)+ ' is not available.', $ 'Try the the option: Get Data'] return endif if n_elements(fullfiles) eq 0 then $ fullfiles = fullfile else fullfiles =[fullfiles, fullfile] endfor sumer_tool, fullfiles, /reformat end 'Search': BEGIN files='' catalog='' nlogs=0 widget_control, /hourglass ; Time Manipulation if strlen(time1(0)) ne 13 then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['',''] widget_control, text_id, set_value=['Error in start time input.', $ 'Make the string have 13 characters.'] return endif if strlen(time2(0)) ne 13 then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['',''] widget_control, text_id, set_value=['Error in end time input.', $ 'Make the string have 13 characters.'] return endif y1 = fix(strmid(time1, 0,2)) year1 = y1 + 1900+100*(y1 le 80) month1 = fix(strmid(time1, 2,2)) day1 = fix(strmid(time1, 4,2)) t1 = julday(month1, day1, year1 ) $ -julday(1,1,1996,0,0,0) $ +(float(strmid(time1, 7,2))+float(strmid(time1, 9, 2))/60. $ +float(strmid(time1, 11, 2))/3600.)/24 y2 = fix(strmid(time2, 0,2)) year2 = y2 + 1900+100*(y2 le 80) month2 = fix(strmid(time2, 2,2)) day2 = fix(strmid(time2, 4,2)) t2 = julday(month2, day2, year2)-julday(1,1,1996) $ +(float(strmid(time2, 7,2))+float(strmid(time2, 9, 2))/60. $ +float(strmid(time2, 11, 2))/3600.)/24 if t1 gt t2 then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['', ''] widget_control, text_id, set_value=$ ['The start time should be earlier than the end time.'] return endif ; ; Determination of log files ; y=year1 & month=month1 yy = string(y mod 100, format='(i2)') mm = string(month/10, format='(i1)')+ $ string(month mod 10, format='(i1)') logfile = yy+mm while y lt year2 or month lt month2 do begin if month lt 12 then month=month+1 else begin y=y+1 month=1 endelse yy = string(y mod 100, format='(i2)') mm = string(month/10, format='(i1)')+ $ string(month mod 10, format='(i1)') logfile=[logfile, $ yy+ mm] endwhile logfile = logfile+'.log' nlog = n_elements(logfile) ; Repeat search for ff=0, nlog-1 do begin tmp = concat_dir(!sumer_config.aux_dir,logfile(ff)) if not file_exist(tmp) then begin widget_control, text_id, set_value=['',''] widget_control, text_id, set_value= $ 'The log file: '+tmp+' does not exist!' goto, next endif slog_rdlog, tmp, logstr logstr.filename=strlowcase(logstr.filename) time=logstr.dstr y = fix(strmid(time, 0,2)) year = y + 1900+100*(y le 80) month = fix(strmid(time, 2,2)) day = fix(strmid(time, 4,2)) t= replicate(-julday(1,1,1996),n_elements(time)) for k=0, n_elements(t)-1 do $ t(k) = julday(month(k), day(k), year(k)) +t(k) t =t+(float(strmid(time, 7,2))+float(strmid(time, 9, 2))/60. $ +float(strmid(time, 11, 2))/3600.)/24 ; Detemine the order of minimum and maximum wavelengths ordermin = 1+ $ (logstr.detector eq 'A') $ *((logstr.wavemin lt 0.6*logstr.wavemax) + $ (logstr.wavemin ge 0.6*logstr.wavemax)*(logstr.wavemin le 780.)) + $ (logstr.detector eq 'B') $ *((logstr.wavemin lt 0.6*logstr.wavemax) + $ (logstr.wavemin ge 0.6*logstr.wavemax)*(logstr.wavemin le 660.)) ordermax = 1+ $ (logstr.detector eq 'A') $ *((logstr.wavemin lt 0.6*logstr.wavemax)*0 + $ (logstr.wavemin ge 0.6*logstr.wavemax)* $ ((logstr.wavemax le 780.)+ $ (logstr.wavemax gt 780.)*(ordermin eq 2))) + $ (logstr.detector eq 'B') $ *((logstr.wavemin lt 0.6*logstr.wavemax)*0 + $ (logstr.wavemin ge 0.6*logstr.wavemax)*$ ((logstr.wavemax le 660.)+ $ (logstr.wavemax gt 660.)*(ordermin eq 2))) ; Determine the distance from the diskcenter rcen = sqrt(float(logstr.xcen)^2 + float(logstr.ycen)^2) ; Create selection array based on the requisite cirteria condition = $ strpos(strlowcase(logstr.filename), strlowcase(fits_kind), 0) ne -1 condition = condition and $ (t ge t1) and (t le t2) condition = condition $ and (logstr.xcen ge xcen1) and (logstr.xcen le xcen2) $ and (logstr.ycen ge ycen1) and (logstr.ycen le ycen2) $ and (rcen ge rcen1) and (rcen le rcen2) condition = condition $ and (logstr.wavemin*ordermin ge wl1) $ and (logstr.wavemax*ordermax le wl2) condition = condition $ and (logstr.exptime ge exposure1) $ and (logstr.exptime le exposure2) ; Add the optional criteria if specified if detector ne '' then condition=condition $ and (logstr.detector eq detector) if object ne '' then condition = condition and $ strpos(strlowcase(logstr.sci_obj) ,object,0) ne -1 if pop ne '' then condition = condition and $ (fix(logstr.popudp) eq fix(pop)) if seq_type ne '' then condition = condition and $ strpos(strlowcase(logstr.obs_seq),seq_type,0) ne -1 if slit ne '' then condition=condition and (logstr.slit eq slit) if scientist ne '' then condition = condition and $ strpos(strlowcase(logstr.scientis), scientist, 0) ne -1 if studyname ne '' then condition = condition and $ strpos(strlowcase(logstr.study_nm), studyname, 0) ne -1 ss=where(condition, count) widget_control, text_id, set_value=$ [string(count, format='(i5)')+' files are selected from '+logfile(ff)] if count ge 1 then begin if nlogs eq 0 then logs=logstr(ss) $ else logs=[logs, logstr(ss)] nlogs=nlogs+count files = logs.filename endif next: endfor select=replicate(0, n_elements(logs)) ; Display results sumer_search_display_result END ' Study Name': begin select=replicate(0, n_elements(logs)) if n_elements(logs) eq 1 then return ss=sort(strlowcase(logs.study_nm)) logs=logs(ss) files=logs.filename sumer_search_display_result end ' Wavelength': begin ; select=replicate(0, n_elements(logs)) if n_elements(logs) eq 1 then return ordermin = 1+ $ (logs.detector eq 'A') $ *((logs.wavemin lt 0.6*logs.wavemax) + $ (logs.wavemin ge 0.6*logs.wavemax)*(logs.wavemin le 780.)) + $ (logs.detector eq 'B') $ *((logs.wavemin lt 0.6*logs.wavemax) + $ (logs.wavemin ge 0.6*logs.wavemax)*(logs.wavemin le 660.)) ss =sort(ordermin*logs.wavemin) logs=logs(ss) files=logs.filename sumer_search_display_result end ' Time': begin ; select=replicate(0, n_elements(logs)) if n_elements(logs) eq 1 then return time=logs.dstr y = fix(strmid(time, 0,2)) year = y + 1900+100*(y le 80) month = fix(strmid(time, 2,2)) day = fix(strmid(time, 4,2)) t= replicate(-julday(1,1,1996),n_elements(time)) for k=0, n_elements(t)-1 do $ t(k) = julday(month(k), day(k), year(k)) +t(k) t =t+(float(strmid(time, 7,2))+float(strmid(time, 9, 2))/60. $ +float(strmid(time, 11, 2))/3600.)/24 ss=sort(time) logs=logs(ss) files=logs.filename sumer_search_display_result end ENDCASE END