;+ ; ; NAME : ; SUMER_TIME ; PURPOSE : ; Convert SUMER time string into the time of the day in seconds ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; time = sumer_time(time_string, jday) ; INPUTS: ; TIME_STRING time string such as '1996-10-20T16:35:30.063' ; OUTPUTS: ; TIME time of the day in seconds ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; JDAY Julian day ;- function sumer_time, time_string, jday ss=strtrim(time_string,2) year = float(strmid(ss,0, 4)) month = float(strmid(ss, 5,2)) day=float(strmid(ss, 8,2)) hour = double(strmid(ss, 11, 2)) min = double(strmid(ss, 14,2)) sec=double(strmid(ss, 17, 6)) jday =julday(month, day, year) time = hour*3600+min*60+sec return, time end