Data from APO Weather Mast

Second Channel >= 0.5 micron

Time series of particle counts.

Note that in this plot the 0.5 micron channel has been multiplied by 7.7 before plotting. If the particle counts are given by a power law such that N = k / (d^4), the average distribution given by Giordano and Sarazin, the count in the 0.5 micron channel, multiplied by 7.7, should equal the count in the 0.3 micron channel. If this law were always true, the two plots would lie on top of each other.

We observe that there are often large differences between the above plots. If we generalize the power law to N = k / (d^n), we find that n is quite variable.

Time series of the value of n.

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Last updated May 21, 1996.