DATE: 20100212
FILTER: Halpha; -1.0A; +1.0A
OBS TIME: 18:34:07 - 20:25:53 UT
OBSERVER: rjf, yurchyshyn
CADENCE: 9 sec; line walk
LENGTH: 980 total; 3 wavelenghs
SP RECONSTRUCTION: Yes, by Yurchyshyn
SEEING, DATA QUALITY: acceptable data quality
OBS COMMENTS: artificial lines appear in the images;
OPTIONS: target - AR1045 flux emergence; small flare was detected too. data are not Po corrected; N is down; E is to the right

Comments by Scientist:

After Reconstruction Info:

Best Images:

This is a 19:18:50UT image taken at the lines center.

This is a 19:19:12UT Ha-1.0A image

This is a 19:18:16UT Ha+1.0A image