DATE: 20100317
FILTER: Halpha Lyot Filter
OBS TIME: 17:25 - 19:15 UT
OBSERVER: V. Yurchyshyn, J. Varsik
CADENCE: 11 - 35 s
LENGTH: total 540 bursts; config: 4-Ha-1.0; 1-Ha; 1-Ha+1.0A; 70 img burst; saved 50 best
SP RECONSTRUCTION: yes, by V. Yurchyshyn
SEEING, DATA QUALITY: after 18:30UT data are acceptable
OBS COMMENTS: NSO camera; settings: 10MHz; 2ADC; no hizontal and vertical lines; cadence dropped significantly; 8.2 fps instead of 25fps (2x2 binning)

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