; --- NST TiO Fitsheader Correct Parameters ; --- Determined from TiO-HMII Coalignment of images ; --- /na1/2015/07/07/15jul07_pcosr/bbso_tio_pcosr_20150707_170013.fts and 20150707_170654_4096_HMII.jpg ; --- Generated by "bbso_tio2hmi.pro" on Tue Jun 13 10:44:48 2017 ; --- ; --- First Line : Corrected Xc (arcsec), Yc (arcsec), PIXEL SIZE (arcsec); Use these or the --> ; --- Second Line: Corrections that should be added to the old Xc and Yc in fitsheader: dXc, arcsec; dYc, arcsec; ; --- Third Line : Reference time (time1 parameter in derotate_img.pro below) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ -331.10 180.04 0.0338 25.90 22.04 21.01 ;-