Author: Eugene Snezhkin
Bakhchysaray means the "palace of gardens" (tatar). It was a capital of the Crimean Khandom (XV-XVIII). When the Crimea was absorbed by Russia, Bakhchysaray became a standard provincial town. Now, Bakhchysaray is popular city of more than 30,000, and is centered in the large agricultural region of the Crimea. Bakhchysaray is the town of excursions. The main tourist attraction is Khan's Palace. This is a "must see" for any visitor to the Crimea. Although this city is growing in population, the old portion of the city is most interesting for tourists. This old part of the Bakhchysaray has retained a medieval atmosphere with it's narrow and curved streets, as well as many other medieval attributes, including Khan's Palace.
(C) "Maxima"

(C) Designed and Printed by "MAXIMA", Pictures by A. Kadnikov and V. Bulichev.